
may cause dizziness, sexual nightmares and sleep crime

Those craaaaazy asians!

I could stare at this for hours. Or at least until the meds wear off.

Gymkhana might be one of the coolest activities on earth...it's basically drifting through an elaborate (not to mention hardcore) obstacle course. Ken Block knows what he's doing behind the wheel, and the 2006 Impreza WRX STi certainly doesn't hurt either. Needless to say, do not get into a car chase with this guy, because you will lose. Now, prepare to have your mind blown!

In case you were wondering what the definition of "oblivious" is, check out this interview with Sarah Palin from a few days ago. She pardons a turkey for Thanksgiving, then goes right ahead and gives an interview in front of a guy SLAUGHTERING TURKEYS. You can tell by the look on his face that even he's thinking, "Ummm, do you not notice what's going on here?" And then he continues with his death-dealing.

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