
i wanna learn how to blow shit up with my mind

I guess I know how the victims of Hurricane Katrina feel now.

That's right, we did Lil' Wayne proud by literally making it rain in 2301.

Here's a tip: never play darts from across the apartment if there is a ceiling sprinkler in your line of fire. There's a good chance you will jettison one of those suckers through said sprinkler and find yourself in the most incredibly disastrous situation of your life.


In a matter of seconds, our apartment manifested a powerful rain storm that was completely unstoppable. And it went on for 40 minutes.

We opened the doors and dragged out the TV and electronics, then began sweeping out the pond that was quickly developing in our living room. Finally, the fire department came (3 fire engines, mind you) and hammered a wooden plank into the sprinkler, slowing the flow but still filling our apartment with water. 30 minutes later, Gainesville Place maintenance managed to get off their fat asses and actually turn off the water.

Luckily, my bedroom is right next to our malevolent sprinkler and quickly started flooding as well. I had to throw down every towel I owned, along with my comforter, to keep the water at bay.

An hour later, the carpet cleaning company came to start getting the water out of our apartment. As I sit here, three industrial fans are blowing on our carpet in a futile attempt to make our place livable. I'm so excited to start my homework now.

Here's some pictures of the destruction:

Our neighbors 20 seconds after walking into our apartment

What was once my bedroom
My fluffy car utilizing the sun's rays
The sprinkler that caused all the trouble
The fan that will be blowing all night as I try to sleep
The other fan that will be blowing all night, next to my bed

1 comment:

molly said...

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