
who's gonna turn down a junior mint? it's chocolate, it's peppermint, it's delicious

There once was a bear and a rabbit that hated each other a lot. One day, they both happened to find a lamp at the same time near a lake. In a lamp was a genie who said, "I will grant both of you three wishes."

The bear went first and he said,"I wish to be the only male bear in this forest." And he got his wish.

The rabbit said, "I want a motorcycle." And he got his wish.

The bear then said, "I wish to be the only male bear in the United States, and all the rest to be female." And he got his wish.

The rabbit said, "I wish for a helmet." And he got his wish.

The bear (thinking how stupid the rabbit was for making simple wishes) said, "I wish I was the only male bear in the world, and all the rest were females!" And he got his wish.

The rabbit put on his helmet, revved up the motorcycle and said while speeding off, "I wish that the bear was gay!"

Somehow, Hansen must have known that those transcripts he reads on "To Catch a Predator" would come back to bite him in the ass.

Image metrics makes regular CGI looks like Claymation

SNL Digital Short: The Mirror

There is no description for this video that could appropriately do it justice. Just imagine if the artist for the "See Dick and Jane" books that you read as a kid had a serious drug problem. Yes, it's that cool.

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