
i hear the jury's still out on science

With 17 kids and their 18th on the way, JimBob and Michelle have more than their hands full. Luckily, they have a house equipped with a video production studio, a deli, a pizza oven, giant walk-in closets, a soda fountain, and its own game room. Oh, and did I mention that all of their kids have names starting with J? Please enjoy the Duggar family.
(original source: dlisted)

Finally, they have a video game that chronicles my exploits.

Camera tossing - a new way to capture the world.
- The Camera Toss Blog

Liberty City vs. New York City - GTA4 certainly had its inspirations.

Remember the 7-year old who stole his grandma's car? Well, it turns out he's still up to hood rat stuff, and you won't believe what he's done now.

"Epilepsy Site Hacked With Seizure Images"

The accompanying story

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