
i'm not on crack, i'm straight-up mentally ill!

The strangest gymnastic routine ever: US gymnast Paul Hunt performs on uneven bars at the 1981 Nadia Tour at Madison Square Garden, NYC. My nom for video of the week, even though technically this has been around for a while.

Apparently Paul Hunt has quite a liking for this character, because here's another performance by his feminine alterego 7 years later, now being called Pauletta Huntinova:

If you've got an hour to kill, this video is definitely worth watching. It's about a church comprised almost completely of one family, and they follow the strictest interpretation of the Bible of any church in America. This has led them to believe that soldiers who die in Iraq are God's punishment for America's acceptance of homosexual behavior, among other "deceptive acts", and so they picket their funerals with incredibly inappropriate signs. The language can get a little graphic at times.
Louis Theroux reports on the most hated family in America

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